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- Health, Nutrition and Wellness | SELF Principle
Discover evidence-based health, nutrition, and wellness research with SELF Principle. We make it easy to stay informed and prioritize your health. 什么是 SELF 原则? SELF Principle 是一种经过时间考验、以证据为基础的方法,它基于 4 条原则让您过上最美好的生活: 睡眠是良药 运动是良药 爱是良药 食物是药物 加入我们 支持我们的研究和教育使命 现在捐款
- About | SELF Principle
Discover evidence-based health, nutrition, and wellness research with SELF Principle. We make it easy to stay informed and prioritize your health. 关于 它点燃了我姐姐和我的健康,当我看到营养和生活方式如何改善亲人的生活时,它被点燃了。今天,我提供基于证据的健康、营养和保健研究和信息,以帮助每个人过上最美好的生活。此外,我和我的团队通过学校用品、奖学金等方式支持全球儿童教育。 我们董事会的每一位成员都自愿为此付出时间和金钱。 SELF Principle 是为数不多的非营利组织之一,您捐出的每一美元都直接用于帮助有需要的儿童。与其他 501(c)(3) 组织不同,董事会自掏腰包支付非营利组织的行政费用。我们还“脚踏实地”,为美国和世界各地的低收入儿童提供他们取得成功所需的教育用品。 带着感激之情, 肖恩·哈希米 (Sean Hashmi),医学博士,理学硕士,FASN 我们的任务 通过以易于访问的格式提供有关健康、营养、健身和健康的最新循证研究来改善健康状况。 我们的愿景 成为所有人值得信赖的健康、健身、营养和保健信息来源。 My Story Have you ever felt that there must be something more to life? A missing piece that you just can't seem to find? For me, that missing piece was the opportunity to make a real impact in the world and serve others. I've been blessed with so much in my life, and I knew it was time to give back. It all started during my childhood in Pakistan. I fell ill with a severe case of measles that left me bedridden for months. Doctors told my parents that I wouldn't survive, but somehow I did. However, my health and digestive issues continued to plague me for years to come, and my experiences with doctors and healthcare ignited a spark inside me. That spark was fanned into a flame when, at the age of ten, my family moved to the United States. We struggled to make ends meet, and my older sister's epilepsy made life even more challenging. One night, she had a seizure in her sleep, and I tried my best to save her, but I couldn't. The tragic loss of my sister led me to make a promise to become a doctor and help others in need. After obtaining my medical degree and marrying my soulmate, we wanted to start a family, but my wife's pulmonary hypertension and lupus made it difficult. I was determined to find the right nutrition and lifestyle habits to help her manage her illness and regain control of her health. It took years of trying and heartache, but we now have two beautiful daughters, and our family is stronger and more grateful than ever. That's why I founded SELF Principle - to share my knowledge and help others live their best lives. My life's mission is to serve and make a difference in this world, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to give back. Our Mission 我们今天需要您的支持! 捐
- Contact | SELF Principle
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- Privacy Policy | SELF Principle
Secure your peace of mind by exploring our comprehensive privacy policy, designed to protect your personal information and outline your rights. Learn how we collect, use, and safeguard your data to enhance your experience on our website. 隐私政策 我们今天需要您的支持! 捐
- Cookie Policy | SELF Principle
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- Events | SELF Principle
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- Support Us | SELF Principle
支持我们 没有我们出色的捐助者的支持,我们将无法继续前进。 捐出您的时间或捐出资金来支持我们为所有人提供循证健康、营养和保健教育的使命。 捐
- Podcast | SELF Principle
SELF Principle is built around 4 time-tested tenets: sleep more, move more, practice gratitude and kindness, and eat a whole food plant-based diet. Join Dr. Sean Hashmi and his expert guests each week as they dive into the latest evidence-based health, nutrition, fitness, and wellness research. 播客 活出最好的自己!
- Loyalty | SELF Principle